Space Industry

Satellite-data groundstation / mission archive solutions

  • vastly reduce storage costs,
  • providing the most performant and attractive data access for our clients.

Learn more about our Service in Implementations for our clients


Dunia is an all-in-one, easy to use platform for processing and disseminating earth observation data over Africa, that even works on mobile.

Utilized software stack components
ES Mission
ES Core
ES Web-services
ES Web-Apertures
ES Mobilizer
ES Thematic

Advanced streaming data access solutions for the DestinE Platform

The Destination Earth Service Platform (DestinE Platform) is the point of entry to the EC’s digital Twin of the Earth initiative. It provides users, applications and service providers with direct access to the data and functionalities provided by the other two DestinE components, the Digital Twin Engine and the Data Lake.

Utilized software stack components

ES Mission
ES Core
ES Web-services